9 Ways to Urban Homestead
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9 Ways to Urban Homestead

You may have noticed the explosion of homesteading. Maybe your friends are talking about buying a plot of land and farming together, or you may have seen a slew of sundress wearing women, filming harvest videos in their gardens. But maybe, like me you’re stuck in an apartment in the city or have very little…

11 Natural Products We Love!
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11 Natural Products We Love!

These days, there’s a huge influx of natural products that have made their way onto the market. Some are legitimately wonderful products, while others boast a laundry list of eco-friendly benefits that they can’t really stand behind. This makes it a bit hard to weed out the green washers. Here, I’ve compiled a list of…

Homemade Elderberry Syrup Recipe
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Homemade Elderberry Syrup Recipe

As cold weather draws near, I find myself hunkering down and preparing homemade remedies that will help me stay healthy and feeling my best throughout the winter. I spend time in the warmth of the summer, foraging herbs and berries to make into tinctures and tea for when the weather outside is too cold to…

How to Start Homesteading with No Money
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How to Start Homesteading with No Money

If you have a passion for homesteading, don’t hesitate to get started. Although homesteading has traditionally been a form of self-sufficient living on a plot of land, “modern homesteading” is a way to get started even if you’re broke. Modern homesteading is simply a way of partaking in the aspects of homesteading that are accessible…

Fire Cider Recipe: How to Make it at Home
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Fire Cider Recipe: How to Make it at Home

Fire cider, a name coined by herbalist Rosemary Gladstar in the late 1970’s is a remedy that has been around for a very long time. Fire cider falls into the category of oxymels, which can be traced all the way back to ancient Greece! An oxymel is a tonic made up of vinegar and honey…

14 Tips for a Zero Waste Kitchen
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14 Tips for a Zero Waste Kitchen

Growing our own food and preparing it all from scratch feels like an impossibility nowadays. Buying pre-made foods wrapped in shiny plastic and filled with preservatives has become the new standard in our modern world. So, why try to build a zero waste kitchen? What is zero waste? The term “zero waste” comes from the idea…